Wright (of Wright’s Liquid Smoke), who noticed a yellowish-brown substance dripping from the steam stove pipe at the print shop he worked in as a teenager. There’s a juuuust right size, and this ain’t it. The idea of liquid smoke was invented by Ernest H. I feel like Goldilocks rating these hot dogs. There’s not much more to say about this bad boy. It’s a little wobbly and curvy, like the drunk uncle of hot dogs.” (When I followed up with said colleague to inquire about his thing for hot dog tips, he mused, “I wonder what Freud would say.”) Here’s some feedback in the form of pure poetry, from another taster: “Salty, thick meat stick. For those of you who can relate to the colleague who has a specific appreciation for the tips of hot dogs, here’s this detailed feedback, verbatim: “Some of the tips curve upward, and I was excited to try, because I thought the texture would be chewy, but it was just mush. Abbott recalls bottles of 2-ounce Similac brand ready-to-feed liquid products. “Did they put liquid smoke in this thing? Because it has a weird smoky note,” said another. Safeway Oatmeal Raisin Cookies allergen recall and product label - FDA. But Whole Foods’ house-brand hot dog - “a good blend of salty and sweet,” “spicy, good size and thickness” - inspired some of the most descriptive comments of the entire taste test. “It’s a little bigger than I like to see in a hot dog, but this is a family newspaper, so I won’t make jokes,” said one colleague. Maybe it was the moment in the taste test when the nitrates finally started to go to our brains. Crockpot recipes: Add a few drops of liquid smoke to slow cooker recipes for quick and easy 'smoked' brisket. You can also use it to add an authentic smoky taste to grilled, broiled, or sauteed meat. Most liquid smoke recipes call for no more than a few drops due to the highly concentrated flavor. I’m not sure what it is about this hot dog. Liquid smoke is pretty potent, so you don’t have to use a ton to get your point across teaspoon to a tablespoon is enough to add depth to your chili, soup, or stew without overpowering your tastebuds.